Our Potential
As you’ll see from our portfolio, we’ve worked with companies and government leaders in all kinds of places with a wide variety of challenges. In each instance, our customers have confidence that we will consider every factor that could possibly impact a project, taking into account customer needs, community needs, vendor collaboration and regulatory requirements.

Bad Arolsen, Prinz Eugen Energiepark,(RE), expansion of pellet production up to 85,000t/a. Raw material is softwood as shavings and wood chips. Reconstruction planning, permitting planning (BImSchG) reorganization organization, tendering, awarding, supervision of the expansion measures.
Arba Grasmo, Norwegen, as project engineer involved in the planning and tendering process for a 70,000t/a steam-exploded pellet plant. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Status of the project: Start up planned for end 2020
Arba Grasmo, Norwegen, (RE), involved in the tendering process for a 65,000t / a steam-exploded pellet plant. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Elecnore, Parkside, Wondai, Australia, (RE), costing study for one for 100,000t / a pellet production. Status of the project: Completed
Tasma Bioenergy, Indonesia, (RE), advice on the decomposition of wood residues for incineration in a boiler plant, Status of the project: Completed.
HGA Senden, Germany, BIO HKW als Gaserzeugung, (RE), approval according to BImSchG for the conversion of a plant for the production of electricity and heat by gasification of biomass, about 15MW FWL. Status of the project: In progress (BImSchG)
Wismar Pellets, Germany, BIO HKW, (RE), approval according to BImSchG §13 for a plant for the production of electricity and heat, approx. 70MW FWL. Status of the project: In progress, permit expected in 2020.
ZED 4 BHKW Betreibergesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, (RE), involved in the pre planning process for a approval application for wood gas motor from a wood gas production in Senden, Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions (BImSchG)
Florette, Saulheim, Germany, (RE), project management for a plant for the processing of fresh salad for the end customer, 10.000t / a. Target: IBN 2021
Elecnor, Due diligence for a production of „steam exploded” pellets for a client in the USA. Status of the project: Completed
Elecnor, Tasmania Australien, (RE), costing a 250,000t / a steam-extracted pellet plant. Raw material is softwood / hardwood as a commodity. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Bad Arolsen, (RE), expansion of pellet production to 70,000t / a. Raw material is softwood as shavings and wood chips. Reconstruction planning, reorganization organization, tendering, awarding, supervision of the expansion measures. (BImSchG)
Edeis, site search for a production of Convenience fresh salad and vegetables, 70t / day
Glunz Nettgau, invitation to tender and request for a transport system for fine particles from the processing of waste wood
peterbeton, Baden-Baden, (RE) Storage concept for fly ash from incineration 10.000t / a. Fly ash as an additive. Concept development, planning, tendering, quotation request, data compilation.
Bad Arolsen, (RE), approval according to BImSchG, the pellet production with 70.000t / a. Raw material is softwood as shavings and wood chips. Approval planning of the entire plant, inventory and expansion stage. Supervision of the expansion measures. Receipt of approval Feb. 2017
Arba Follum, Norwegen, (RE), Contributing to the costing of a plant for the production of „Steam Exploded Pellets“ with 200.000t / a. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Bad Arolsen, expert opinion as „Free Engineers“ on pellet production (RE), with 35.000t / a. Raw material is softwood and hardwood as chips and wood chips. Examination of the expansion stage 70,000 / a Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
elecnor, ecofuels, Zilkha, Halifax NC, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a plant to produce „steam-exploded pellets“ with 500,000 t / a. Raw material is soft and hardwood as a commodity. Feasibility study, preliminary and draft planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Nordeste Pellets, Brasilien; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning a pellet plant with 120,000t / a. Raw material is elephantgrass. Feasibility study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Biomass Group, Sri Lanka; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 750.000t / a. Raw material is Glycidia as a commodity. Feasibility study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
IOGEN, Otawa CA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a briquette plant with 500,000t / a of treated straw in Kansas USA. Feasibility study Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
Hobatex, Brakel, Germany; (as Head of Process Engineering PP) Planning of storage and residual pelleting with 30.000t / a. Raw material is pellets. Preliminary planning, status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
elecnor, ecofuels, Halifax NC, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 500,000t / a. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Haskell, IWF, Sims, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 300.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions
Drax GB, Projekt in Ampa state, Brasilien; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 500,000t / a. Raw material is eucalyptus as a commodity. Study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
Verderis, Rio Grande, Brasilien; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 675,000t / a. Raw material is eucalyptus as a commodity. Preliminary planning, approval planning. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
Pacolet-Milican, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning a pellet plant with 250,000t / a. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
E.ON Trading GB; as CEO of SGE) Expert opinion / General specification on a pellet production for 150,000t / a with belt dryer and power plant. The plant is to be built by a JV and is to be taken over by E.ON. Professional position name by Dr. med. Gregor Rinke as the basis of a due diligence.
Haskell, Drax, Beekmann, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 450.000t / a. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Realized end of 2014
Haskell, Drax, Gloster, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 450.000t / a. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Realized in mid-2014
Haskell, AB & T, Trenton, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 150.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Tender
SUZANO Brasil; (as CEO of the SGE) General problem analysis for pellet plants. Planning of a pellet production with 1 million t / a performance. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
Corinth Pellets, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 150.000t / a. Raw material is hard and soft wood as a commodity and by-products. Study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
Drax GB, Projekt in USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning a pellet plant with 250,000t / a. Raw material is softwood as a commodity. Study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
American Biomass & Trading, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 150.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
EDF Trading GB; Survey Report on a pellet production for 130.000t / a with belt dryer. The plant was built by a JV, and is to be taken over by the EDF. Professional position name by Dr. med. Gregor Rinke as the basis of a due diligence.
RoyOMartin, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 150.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Study. Status of the project: Customer ensures framework conditions.
FE Wood, Maine, USA; (as CEO of the SGE) Planning of a pellet plant with 250,000t / a to 350,000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: project in progress
FE Wood, Maine, USA; Planning of a pellet plant with 250.000t / a to 350.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: project in progress
MC Lelan, USA; Planning a pellet plant with 300.000t / a. Raw material is energy plantation grass. Study. Status of the project: project in progress
Charmont Invest UK; Planning a pellet plant with 150.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Study ———– preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance with the award, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: project in progress.
Hunt LA, USA; Planning of a pellet plant with 250.000t / a to 350.000t / a. Raw material is hardwood and softwood as rootstock. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: project in progress
Coillte, Irland; Expert opinion on various offers for the use of biomass which is provided by the company Coillte. Due Diligence as a comparative process.
Bioenergie Wüstenrot GmbH; Expert opinion for the construction of an ORC power plant based on biomass and pellet production from untreated wood for the production of DIN Plus pellets. Due diligence for a new plant. Evaluation of the technology used, the location and the actors
Glunz Düsseldorf; Development concept for the conversion of a chipboard production to a pellet production with 100,000t / a. Planning status: The project is in the decision phase
Skala Energy, Ukraine; Survey Report on a pellet production for 40.000t / a with indirectly fired dryer. The facility was built by a JV, does not run and does not comply with applicable laws. Litigation between the parties! Professional position name by Dr. med. Gregor Rinke as the basis of a legal dispute with planner and supplier.
Herzberg; Contribution to the report on a pellet production for 120.000t / a. Due diligence for a new plant. Evaluation of the technology used, the location and the actors. Status of the project: according to the report, the activities are suspended
Pellet production -HHKW in Pasewalk; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production for 25.000t / a and biomass cogeneration plant. Planning status: The project has been discontinued
HEAG Grasellenbach; Development concept for the expansion of a pellet production to 15.000t / a Planning status: The project was discontinued.
SWD Düsseldorf; Strategic study on biomass use for the regional service provider.
Grenville USA; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production for 80,000t / a of logs. Planning status: In the financing
Zebra Pellets, Südafrika; Survey Report on a pellet production for 100.000t / a with directly fired tumble dryer. The facility was built by a JV, exploded and does not run and does not comply with applicable laws. Litigation between the parties! Professional position name by Dr. med. Gregor Rinke as the basis of a legal dispute with planner and supplier.
Enligna Sacramento USA. Planning of a pellet production with waste wood and combined heat and power plant to produce 150,000t / a. Preliminary planning, preliminary work for approval planning. Status of the project: Investor wanted.
EVO Offenbach, Planning of a pellet production with waste wood, to produce 135.000t / a. Preliminary and draft planning, approval planning (first application according to the BimschG for a pellet plant in Germany), preparation of the tender documents, assistance with the awarding, implementation planning, construction supervision. Status of the project: IBN November 2010 (BImSchG)
PPR Rothenburg; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production for 120.000t / a and biomass cogeneration plant. Planning status: The project has been discontinued
Weber, Collenberg; Design and approval planning for project development. Construction of a pellet production for 70.000t / a with wood-fired power plant. Planning status: In progress
PK Mendig; Expert opinion on a pellet production for 10.000t / a with oil CHP. The facility was built by a JV, does not run and does not comply with applicable laws. Litigation between the parties! Professional position name by Dr. med. Gregor Rinke as the basis of a legal dispute with planner and supplier
WWR Belem, Brasilien; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. 1st stage 250.000t / a., Possibility of expansion to 1 million t / a; Preliminary and draft planning, preliminary work for the approval planning, status of the project: Due to lack of raw material, the project was discontinued.
EPC Torgau; Survey Report on a pellet production for 100,000t / a with wood-fired power plant. The facility was built by a JV, does not run and does not comply with applicable laws. Litigation between the parties! Professional position name by Dr. med. Gregor Rinke as the basis of a legal dispute with planner and supplier.
Eclair Emlichheim; Planning of a pellet production with torrefaction and heating plant (6 MWel) with redundant heating plant construction. 3 torrefaction units with 25.000t / a each. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: approval is in progress Project will be continued. (BImSchG)
St. Loup FRA; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products, with heat generation. Production capacity 150,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, for project development. Status of the project: The activities were discontinued due to lack of raw materials
Fa. Finkbeiner, Triberg; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production for 18.000t / a and biomass cogeneration plant. Planning status: The project is in the decision-making phase with the investor
Weber, Collenberg; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production for 15.000t / a. Planning status: In progress
German Pellets Herbrechtingen; Expansion of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Expansion level 240,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: In operation
German Pellets Ettenheim; Expansion of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Expansion level 240,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: For technical reasons, the production line was set up at a site in NRW.
German Pellets Wismar; Expansion of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Expansion level 240,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: In operation
Fa. WSE, Kronach; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production in Kronach. Planning status: The project will be continued..
WAP Hückelhoven; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Performance of the plant 25.000t wood pellets / a. Extension 50,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: Pause of processing after pre-planning
Fa. Moralt, Bad Tölz; Concept study for the construction of a pellet production for 15.000t / a. Planning status: The project is in the decision-making phase with the investor
Fa. Zirn, Gingen; Concept study on power and heat production from rapeseed cake. Planning status: The study did not yield any economic results, the project was discontinued
German Pellets Ettenheim; Planning of a heating plant to supply the dryer with heat. 16 MW th, expansion to 32MWth. Fuel: bark wood chips. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: IBN was on 15.11.2005
German Pellets Ettenheim; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Performance of the plant 120.000t wood pellets / a. Extension level 360,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: IBN was on 15.11.2005
As Solar Hannover; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Performance of the plant 25.000t wood pellets / a. Extension 50,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: 01.2007 the project was stopped by the investor in the award phase
German Pellets Herbrechtingen; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Performance of the plant 120.000t wood pellets / a. Expansion level 240,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: IBN was on 15.05.2006
German Pellets Wismar; Planning of a pellet production from sawmill by-products. Performance of the plant 120.000t wood pellets / a. Expansion level 240,000t / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Status of the project: IBN was on 15.09.2005
RURU Linz (A); Planning of a bark power plant on the site of the company RURU. 32t / h steam, 485 ° C, 68 bara; Fuel Wet bark up to 65% water content. For the first time, a firing concept designed by Rüdiger Phillip was realized. Works: preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, implementation planning, construction management. Planning status: The plant went into operation on 15.12.2006. This can be one of the first in Europe with a water content of 65% at full power
GEE Wismar; Planning a pellet production from wood shavings. Performance of the plant 21.000t wood pellets / a. Preliminary and design planning, approval planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance with the award, implementation planning, construction management, documentation. Planning status: preliminary and design planning completed, project stopped
Schwedt (Oder); Planning of a pellet production from round wood wood chips. Leftover and used wood. Performance of the plant 135.000t wood pellets / a. Pre-and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the awarding, execution planning, construction management, planning status: preliminary and draft planning, approval planning of the construction will begin 03.2005.
Status: The project was realized according to the draft design by the new shareholder with his own planning staff
Stadt Düsseldorf; City of Dusseldorf; Concept study on the heat supply of urban real estate through a district heating network with energy from wood chips. Planning status: The project was set by the city.
Stadtwerke Düsseldorf; Concept study on the heat supply of urban real estate (contracting partner) through a local heating network with energy from wood chips. Planning status: Should continue to be realized by SE AG as planner in 2003-2004.
Wuppertal; Concept study for a pellet heating in an industrial hall of the mechanical engineering.
Göttingen; Concept study for a pellet heating in properties of the city of Göttingen
03.2003 – 08.2004
ELKA, Morbach; Planning of a pellet production through the use of parts of chipboard production and conversion of waste wood processing, The heat is generated from waste wood by a HKW. Planning in the inventory of a sawmill / chipboard plant. Performance of the plant 50.000t wood pellets / a. Concept study, preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance with the award, implementation planning, construction management, documentation. Planning status: preliminary and draft planning, the conversion should begin in 2003.
02.2002 – 12.2003
Baust, Eslohe; Planning of a pellet production through the use of waste heat from a waste wood HKW through a new district heating network. Planning in the inventory of a sawmill. Performance of the plant 15.000t wood pellets and 5000t dry wood chips / a. Concept study, preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance with the award, implementation planning, construction management, documentation. Planning status: the plant went into operation in 10.2003. Commissioning time 1 week.
Klein Schneen; Concept study on the heat supply of private properties through a district heating network with energy from wood chips or biogas from waste treatment. Different variants 1. Only heat generation, 2. CHP with CHP. Planning status: The project will be continued embedded in the biogas concept of the district.
Grävenwiesbach; Planning a briquette production and a HHKW to supply the briquette production. CHP 15t / h steam, 8.5 MWth, 3 Mwel, 16.000t briquette / a. Concept study, preliminary and draft planning. Planning status: The project was stopped by the investor.
Waldkappel; Planning of a HHKW to supply a pellet production. CHP 10t / h steam, 2 MWth, 1.6 Mwel, 8.500t wood pellet / a. Concept study. Planning status: The project was stopped by the investor
KHT Friesau; Planning of a pellet production and a HHKW for the supply of the wood drying and the pellet production. CHP 78t / h steam, 50 MWth, 10.6Mwel, 50.000t pellets / a. Concept study, basic research. Planning status: Project will be followed up by the owner
DE. u W. GmbH, Dortmund; Concept study on the heat supply of urban and private properties through a district heating network with energy from woodchips. Different variants 1. Heat generation only, 2. CHP with steam process, 3. CHP with ORC module. Planning status: The project was stopped by the investor
BAV, Engelskirchen; Planning of electricity generation through the recycling of waste wood. CHP: 30t / h steam, 4.5t / h take-off, 7.45 MWel; Concept study. Planning status: The project was stopped by the investor.
MD-Paper Dachau, EPROPLAN; Planning of the treatment and storage of an energy supply of the paper industry through the recycling of waste wood. Combined heat and power 85 MW FWL; Concept study, preliminary and design planning. Parts of the permit. Planning status: main planner was EPROPLAN, the project was not realized.
11.2001 – 05.2002
Wood energy Baden; Planning of a pellet production at the Rheinhafen Kehl with an output of 60,000 to 80,000 tons of wood pellets per year. Concept study, preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents, assistance with the assignment, parts of implementation planning. Planning status: The project was stopped by the investor.
10.2001 – 05.2002
van Roje, Neuwied; Planning of a pellet production with a capacity of 25,000 tons per annum of wood pellets with a heat supply from waste wood. Concept study, preliminary and design planning, approval planning, preparation of tender documents. Planning status: The project is being pursued with changed objectives.
10.2001 – 06.2002
Rauch Markt Bibart; Planning of an energy supply of chipboard production through the recycling of waste wood. Combined heat and power. CHP: 105 MW FWL; Concept study, preliminary and draft planning. Planning status: The project was stopped by the investor.
Ante Bromskirchen; Concept study on the heat supply of wood drying with wood residue. Planning status: The decision to implement should be made in 2003
Leskom (Russia); Planning of a pellet production with an output of 60,000 tons of wood pellets per year. Concept study, state of planning: The project was continued by an Italian investor
Gmach; Concept study on the heat supply with combined heat and power of wood drying with energy from wood residues. Planning status: Implemented by SE AG as a planner.
Decker Hochscheid; Concept study on the heat supply of wood drying with wood residue. Planning status: The decision to implement should be made in 2003
SARIA; Study on the utilization of animal meal in a mono-combustion with combined heat and power. Planning status: Due to the exclusion of electricity from the EEG no further planning work takes place.
Lennestadt; Concept study on the heat supply of urban real estate through a district heating network with energy from wood chips. Planning status: Implemented by SE AG as a planner.
11.1999 – 07.2001
A & M Schlieper; Restructuring of a medium-sized company, GF and co-partner.
07.1998 – 02.1999
Pellworm; Concept study: Energy potentials from solid biomass on the island of Pellworm in cooperation with the EC-Heidelberg, the Forum for Future Energy and the Ökoinstitut Freiburg for the Institute for Crop Science of the GH-Kassel.
1995 – 1997
Fuhrberg; Carrying out cultivation trials to determine the biomass potentials in the Fuhrberg field.